SEND, Inclusion & Support
Behaviour Statement
Parkside Middle School is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the welfare of the young people entrusted to its care and aims always to realise its mission to provide a safe and supportive environment where there is an expectation that pupils behave responsibly, safely, and respectfully.
At Parkside Middle School we believe that good behaviour is essential to allow all our pupils to achieve their full potential. Good behaviour promotes effective learning. All members of the school community have a significant role to play in its success through the consistent application of agreed rules, systems, and procedures.
We aim to inspire every child, whatever their abilities, to achieve their best and make a valuable contribution to the Parkside community. We want our pupils to learn to live, preparing them for adult life in a changing world, and as such we seek to equip our children for the future.
Our Behaviour for Learning and Positive Relationships Policy fully supports the aims of the school. Our policy clearly outlines the expectations we have of our pupils and explicitly lists the rules of conduct for pupils before and after school as well as during the school day.
Pupils wear their uniform to show that they are a part of Parkside Middle School. Parents, carers and pupils should be aware that there is an expectation that children behave respectfully and appropriately when in, and out of, school; especially when in their uniform. Children need to be mindful of how they behave when in their uniform, ensuring that they do not impact the reputation of the school. The school reserves the right to take any reasonable action as a result of breaking its rules by any pupil when he/she is on or off site in school uniform or can be identified as a pupil of our school. This includes taking sanctions up to permanent exclusion against pupils who do not behave appropriately and bring the school into disrepute.
We expect all pupils to act with forgiveness, kindness, integrity, and perseverance when faced with difficulties and to show respect towards themselves, others, and our school community.
Our Behaviour for Learning and Positive Relationships policy is also applicable when pupils are on school trips, and for pupils walking to, or from, school (anywhere where the pupil is representing the school.) This policy will still be applicable during these times and the same sanctions can be imposed as if the incident occurred on the school site.
We believe that pupils should enjoy a disciplined and happy atmosphere in which to work. This can only be established by staff, governors, parents, carers and the pupils working together to create a relationship of mutual respect regardless of race, religion, and culture.
Pupils will be expected to behave in a manner which promotes The British values:
- Democracy - We allow others to share views and respect other people’s views.
- Rule of Law - We recognise that laws are important to ensure that everyone’s rights are respected.
- Individual liberty - We are free to make our own choices. We try to make wise decisions and do what is right.
- Mutual respect - We value tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.
We aim to teach pupils to choose responsible behaviour and in doing so raise self-esteem and consequently academic success. At Parkside Middle School we want to encourage pupils to make the right choice when it comes to behaviour and their learning. Setting high, but reasonable expectations should inspire our pupils to always give their best. We believe that good behaviour is an integral part of the learning process.
Our school has five Parkside Standards which will be regularly referred to in assembly and in class. These standards are non-negotiable.
- We will keep ourselves and each other safe.
- We will work as a team always showing politeness, kindness and respect.
- We will always try our best and take pride in everything we do.
- We will be prepared and organised for the school day.
- We will wear the correct uniform with pride.
Written Statement of Behaviour Principles can be found here.
We focus on positive behaviour management, promoted and supported by:
- A carefully planned curriculum.
- Effective classroom management.
- Adult role-modelling.
- The whole school behaviour management plan has three aspects: rules, recognition, and consequences.
- Playtime and lunchtime provision (lunchtime clubs, structured and free choice playground games).
- Personalised programmes / support from outside agencies where necessary.
We aim to:
- Recognise and reward pupils who behave well and work hard.
- Promote positive behaviour and attendance.
- Encourage positive relationships based on mutual respect and forgiveness.
- Provide a positive learning environment ensuring fairness for all.
- Promote self-respect, self-control, and accountability for behaviour.
- Offer an open atmosphere where children feel able to talk freely, regarding any aspect of bullying, or other problems or concerns.
- Promote a system that offers consistency and support for staff and pupils that enables comprehensive monitoring of pupil behaviour and attitudes to the school.
- Encourage a positive relationship with parents / carers to develop a shared approach to education.
With the Parkside Middle School Achievement and Behaviour points scheme embedded, behaviour at school continues to improve and enthusiasm for the reward system continues to grow. We celebrate the successes of pupils every week at our celebration assemblies, with certificates, commendations, awards, and achievement points.
Clear sanctions and boundaries exist so that all pupils know the consequences of 'poor behaviour'. These include a behaviour conversation, detentions, referral to a stage, time out of class and being sent to the Pupil Support Unit (PSU) or in more severe cases being sent to the Deputy Head teachers or Head teacher. It may be necessary to also confiscate something inappropriate for school, for example, a mobile phone when not used appropriately. Extremely poor behaviour will always be reported to the parents, and the Headteacher and staff.
We use a Restorative Justice approach which promotes the following key principles:
- Focus on harm caused by the wrong-doer and actively seeking ways to repair that harm.
- Creating effective and constructive dialogue and communication.
- Promoting fairness, honesty, and openness.
- Treating all participants respectfully.
- Providing a safe environment for all participants to engage, learn and gain a shared understanding.
- Learning to accept responsibility, reparation, reintegration, restoration, and change.
- Promote active listening so that we can acknowledge the viewpoint of others.
Our Inclusion Team
Mrs R. Jenkin | Senior Deputy Headteacher | Designated Safeguarding Lead, Behaviour, Inclusion & Welfare |
Mrs A. Rea | Assistant Headteacher | Behaviour & Attitudes |
Mrs S. Persich | Pastoral Manager | |
Mrs M. Moffatt | SENDCo | |
Mrs K. Varley | Welfare Manager & Deputy DSL | |
Mr N. Grimshaw | Family Support Worker | |
Mrs L. Ellis | Wellbeing Support Assistant |
Anti-bullying at Parkside
At Parkside Middle School we define bullying to our pupils as, “the repetitive, intentional hurting (physically or emotionally) of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. It can happen face to face or online.” (Anti-Bullying Alliance).
If someone is doing something that they do not like pupils are encouraged to use the word “STOP.” It also makes it clear that the person does not want it to continue in an assertive manner. Aggression and retaliation should never be encouraged and will result in sanctions for both children. Bullying is something that happens Several Times On Purpose and they should Speak-out Tell One Person.
At Parkside Middle School we support the Anti-Bullying week. All our pupils embrace the annual key theme by participating in a variety of activities.
Useful links
The links below are for advice about bullying for parents, carers and children, as well as some links for helplines:
Diana Award Anti-Bullying Programme
Anti-Bullying Campaign Support Centre
Childline - Bullying and advice on coping and making it stop
Help and Support for Families Offer (formerly known as Early Help Offer)
We pride ourselves on our links with parents and carers and encourage parents to contact us if there are any concerns or if support is needed with their child’s behaviour at home. Where appropriate school will liaise with outside agencies to gain support and advice. Details of who we work with are outlined in the school Help and Support for Families Offer.