Our School
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Parkside Middle School is committed to safeguarding and the PREVENT strategy. Pupils learn to accept and uphold our fundamental British values, and we are dedicated to meeting all pupils individual needs in order for them to succeed in every area of school life.
We believe the school learning environment has a central role in a child’s emotional, social, and moral development, just as it does in their academic development. Children bring to school a wide range of emotional needs, behaviour patterns and social experiences based on differences in home values, attitudes and parenting skills.
Safeguarding Team:
If you are worried or concerned about yourself or someone you know, please talk to a member of our safeguarding team
Mrs R Jenkin - Senior Deputy Headteacher , Safeguarding Lead
Mrs K Varley - Welfare Manager, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs M Moffatt - SENDCo, DSL Trained
Mrs N Miarowska - Head of Thrive and Senior Mental Health Lead, DSL Trained
Our School Safeguarding Governor is Mrs H Townsend