
The School Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of parents, local authority, staff and co-opted representatives. As well as attending full Governing Body meetings, they also form and attend meetings for the following sub committees: Finance, Staffing, Health and Safety and Strategy.

The Governing Body play a crucial role, working with the Headteacher to decide the strategic direction of the school. This includes agreeing targets, budgets and policies and supporting leaders to ensure the school’s effectiveness in delivering high quality education. They have a wide range of responsibilities, acting as a critical friend to challenge leaders and ensure they are held to account by evaluating the school’s performance through results and data, external reports and the School Improvement Plan.

Governors visit the school frequently and attend many school events in order to engage with staff, pupils, parents and carers. They monitor Safeguarding, Child Protection and the Single Central Record regularly, as well as maintaining an oversight of education in the school, to ensure that it is impacting positively on the pupils. It is important to Parkside Middle School that the Governing Body is inclusive and diverse.

The Governing Body reviews their own performance on an annual basis and has their own plan for improvement as part of the School Improvement Plan.