Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

We understand that STEM plays an integral role to pupils' education at Parkside and future life choices.  Parkside is strongly committed to inspiring pupils with regards to the world around them and the future role that they will play in exciting ventures. STEM is integrated throughout the curriculum at all years, as well as being a core focus for many inspiration and engagement events across the school.

We take part in county challenges (STEM works, KNEX), welcome guest speakers linked to STEM careers and provide opportunities for STEM extra-curricular clubs to allow pupils to explore possibilities that might not yet have been invented and solve problems that have not yet been discovered.

We appreciate the need to create fascination, engagement and aspiration within the STEM sector, giving our pupils the opportunities to be inspired to play an active and creative role, whilst making links between wider aspirations and their studies in school.

Warwick University STEM Visit

A group of fifteen year 8 pupils were given the opportunity to visit Warwick University Maths and Engineering Department.  They were joined by KS3 pupils from other Spire Trust middle schools (St. John’s and Witton).  They were given a ‘Careers using Maths’ talk from the university staff and a tour of the department and wider campus, also having a chance to take part in different engineering activities, including: origami maths, Dobble geometry and puzzles like 'Towers of Hanoi'.

Warwick University STEM 2025

All the pupils were enthused by the trip and we hope it has helped ‘inspire their futures’. 

‘Overall, it was an amazing experience, and we had so much fun and learnt so much about maths and different careers you can get using maths!  The campus was beautiful and was massive!’ Freya and Kiera.
‘It was a really good trip!’ Louis.

Faraday Challenge 2025

Faraday 2025 stem

Parkside hosted a Faraday Challenge Competition this term, which is run by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). A number of our Year 8 students took part in teams of six; and we were also joined by teams of pupils from three other local middle schools.

The IET Faraday® Challenge Days are cross-curricular activity days covering Science, Design and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). They are held at schools, organisations and universities around the UK.

The students taking part had the opportunity to research real-life engineering problems. They had a great day coming up with designs and solutions to these problems; and learning about how engineering is relevant in many situations. They learnt how to make a working prototype and budget for the materials. They worked well together in their teams, behaved exceptionally well and really enjoyed the experience.

Year 7 Bioresources Workshop

We were thrilled to welcome a visitor from Severn Trent on Thursday 13th March, who led an engaging workshop for 30 Year 7 pupils.
The session began with informative videos showing how water travels to our homes. The Bioresources team then explained Severn Trent’s eco-friendly practices, highlighting their efforts to protect the environment.
STEM Sewage stem

To wrap up the workshop, pupils participated in a fun quiz to test their understanding of the topic. It was an exciting and educational experience that inspired students to learn more about sustainability and the important role water plays in our daily lives.

Year 7 and 8 STEM Construction Workshop

On Tuesday, 4th March, we had the pleasure of welcoming two STEM experts from the construction industry to our school. They hosted an engaging workshop for some of our Year 7 and 8 students who have shown a keen interest in pursuing careers in STEM fields.
On Tuesday, 4th March, we had the pleasure of welcoming two STEM experts from the construction industry to our school. They hosted an engaging workshop for some of our Year 7 and 8 students who have shown a keen interest in pursuing careers in STEM fields.
During the session, our guests presented an exciting challenge: the pupils were tasked with designing both the exterior and interior of an office building. As they worked on their designs, the experts shared valuable insights about various careers linked to construction, including architects, interior designers, engineers, and health and safety officers. They also discussed the subjects that students should consider studying to effectively prepare for these roles.
Construction Challenge 2025 STEM
The pupils were not only challenged creatively but also inspired by fascinating facts about iconic buildings. For instance, did you know that the Eiffel Tower grows an impressive 15cm during the summer months due to the heat expansion of the metal?
Overall, it was a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn about the exciting possibilities within the STEM sector and to spark their imaginations about future careers. We look forward to more events like this in the future!

Pupils Celebrate Mars Day

On Tuesday 4th March, to celebrate Mars Day (which ties in beautifully with our Science Space topic), Year 5 pupils embarked on an exhilarating virtual journey to the Moon and Mars! During this fantastic event, they were introduced to Luna, the lively space dog, who guided them through the wonders of space exploration.
Pupils excitedly used their handbooks to vote for the spacecraft they wanted to travel in, sparking lively discussions about space travel. They also delved into the fascinating history of space exploration and learned about the possible future astronauts who might one day take on the cosmos.
Mars Day 2025

By the end, it was clear that they thoroughly enjoyed the experience and felt truly inspired about the possibilities of space travel!

KNEX STEM Challenge 2025

KNEX Feb 2025 STEM

On Thursday 13th February, 30 pupils from Year 5 took part in the STEM Works KNEX challenge.  They were given an Engineering task to design and make a machine to transport a small load (like soil), using only KNEX pieces.  Naomi and Ewan won this year's challenge and will represent the school at the upcoming final in June.

All pupils worked brilliantly, demonstrating fantastic teamwork, problem solving and communication skills.  Sarah (who delivered the workshop) was extremely impressed with all of the vehicles built. We will keep you updated on how Parkside do in the final.

Our Wonderful World of Water

On Monday 10th February, Year 5 pupils had the exciting opportunity to welcome a special guest to school – Rob from Severn Trent! Rob conducted an informative and engaging assembly about the fascinating journey of water, specifically focusing on the water cycle and its crucial role in providing us with safe drinking water.
Water world 2025
Throughout the assembly, Rob explained the different stages of the water cycle, emphasizing how water travels through nature and ultimately ends up in our taps. He also shared an interesting fact: it takes only three hours for river water to be filtered and treated to become safe for us to drink! The students were amazed to learn about the science behind how we get clean water every day.
Rob also talked about the importance of looking after and saving water. He highlighted how easy it is to waste water without realizing it and encouraged the pupils to adopt water-saving habits both at school and at home. Rob's message was clear – by conserving water, we can ensure that there is enough for everyone and protect this precious resource for future generations.
The assembly was both fun and educational, sparking curiosity about the environment and inspiring many students to think more carefully about how they use water.

Virtual Space Presentation

We recently held an exciting Virtual Q & A session with our special guest, Chris Rolland, who shared his passion for space with our Year 5 pupils. Chris answered a variety of space-themed questions, revealing fascinating insights about the thousands of satellites orbiting our planet. He explained how his journey in astronomy has taught him the importance of being open-minded, as the field is always evolving with new discoveries.
Space Q & A Careers

The pupils were particularly thrilled when Chris showed them an actual meteorite and a piece of Mars, making the experience all the more tangible. One pupil exclaimed how much they loved having their questions answered by Chris, and they found him incredibly fun! It was a fantastic opportunity for our class to learn and engage with someone who shares their enthusiasm for space, sparking curiosity and wonder about the universe.

Civil Engineers Careers Assembly

We had a fantastic assembly this week, as our Year 8 pupils had the opportunity to hear from the inspiring Kate, a civil engineer from Griffiths. Kate brought a wealth of knowledge and experience to the talk, sharing her journey into the world of civil engineering and the many pathways available to young people exploring this career.
Civil Engineers Careers Assembly STEM

With engaging stories and real-life examples, she highlighted what a career in civil engineering entails, from designing bridges and roads to managing large construction projects. The students were eager to learn about the various specialisations within the field and the importance of teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Kate’s visit sparked lively discussions, and it was evident that many of our pupils left with new aspirations and ideas about their futures. A huge thank you to Kate for taking the time to inspire the next generation of engineers!

Pupils Apply Design and Technology Skills

A selection of 16 Key Stage 2 pupils recently took part in an exciting STEM event where they had the chance to apply their design and technology skills to create an automatic braking train. It was fantastic to see them getting hands-on and using their creativity to tackle the challenge. The atmosphere was buzzing as they collaborated and shared ideas, really demonstrating the 'Parkside Value of Teamwork' throughout the event.

Braking Trains STEM

Author Visits School

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On Monday 25th November, all Key Stage 2 pupils had a virtual visit from the author Jamie Smith. During his visit, he shared his career journey since leaving High School. Additionally, he talked about his new book "Where Giants Walk" and the inspiration he got for the setting and characters.

The following week, on Thursday 5th December, Jamie came in to school and took part in a question and answer event with a selection of our year 5 and 6 pupils.  The pupils were fantastic and asked many insightful questions.

Jamie said that he thoroughly enjoyed visiting the school and loved the pupils enthusiasm for reading and writing stories.

Maths Escape Room

Four year 8 pupils were chosen to represent the school at the annual Maths Escape Room hosted by Aston Fields Middle on 24th June.  They competed against the four other Bromsgrove middle schools.  They thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and ended up joint winners with the host school, with both schools making it out of the room with one minute to spare!

Well done to Amelia, Daisy, Charlie and Reuben for a display of brilliant problem solving skills and teamwork!

Maths Escape Room_STEM

Real-life Maths Party

RLM Party STEM 2024
On 21st and 22nd June, Year 5 had the pleasure of welcoming parents/carers to our school to showcase the remarkable work they have been doing during Real-life Maths lessons. It was a fantastic opportunity for the children to exhibit their learning and for you to witness their progress firsthand.
During the showcase, the children proudly presented their work within their books, demonstrating their understanding of various mathematical concepts including ratio, scaling, area, perimeter, and compound shapes. They enthusiastically explained the tasks they have been working on, showcasing their problem-solving skills and creative thinking.
We hope, for those that could attend, enjoyed witnessing the dedication and enthusiasm with which your child approaches their mathematical challenges.
The overwhelming positive feedback from parents was heart-warming with many parents commenting that they enjoyed the event and having the opportunity to see their child’s work firsthand.
Additionally, twelve Year 7 pupils supported the event, confidently talking to the parents and supporting the Year 5 pupils articulate their learning.

Lego Robotics Workshop

A group of Year 8 students got the opportunity to take part in an engineering workshop set up by Aston University.  The workshops were to help inspire the boys into thinking about engineering as a career path in the future.

The workshops were based around using Lego (for construction) and coding to make their 'robots' work. They were challenged throughout and had to work as part of a team to achieve the results needed. The group of students were a real credit to themselves and school and fully immersed themselves in the activities provided.

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STEM NEXT Final 2024


Toby and Evan from Year 5 represented the school at the KNEX Final hosted by STEM Works on Thursday, 13th June. They participated in designing and constructing transport capable of moving a bridge, demonstrating advanced problem-solving and engineering skills.

Their exceptional teamwork contributed to a excellent performance where, despite not winning the overall final, they surpassed 4000 pupils across the county. Their exemplary behaviour and conduct throughout the event were truly commendable. Congratulations to Toby and Evan for their outstanding efforts!

Bletchley Park Visit 2024

On Thursday 6th June, we took 40 pupils across both key stages to Bletchley Park. We had a brilliant time exploring the historic site and soaking up all the fascinating information.

Our pupils were an absolute credit to the school, demonstrating outstanding conduct and behaviour throughout the whole day.

One of the highlights of the trip was when the pupils took part in a D-Day Coding workshop. They had the opportunity to decipher an encrypted message, just like the codebreakers at Bletchley Park did during World War II. It was fantastic to see them all getting stuck into the challenge!

One year 6 pupil commented “my favourite part was listening to the morse code and working out what the hidden message was about”.

To top it all off, we were blessed with beautiful weather and even got to witness a flyover to mark the 80th D-Day anniversary. It was a truly memorable moment that added an extra special touch to our day.

Overall, it was a day filled with learning, fun, and great experiences.

Bletchley Park Visit 2024 STEM

Warwick University STEM Visit

A group of fifteen year 8 pupils were given the opportunity to visit Warwick University Maths and Engineering Department.  They were joined by KS3 pupils from other Spire Trust middle schools (Catshill, St. John's and Witton).  They were given a 'Careers using Maths' talk from the university staff and a tour of the department and wider campus, also having a chance to take part in different engineering activities, including origami maths, Dobble geometry and fluid dynamics through an aerofoil experiment.  All the pupils were enthused by the trip and we hope it has helped 'inspire their futures'.
'It was really good.  I'd do it again!' Mollie
'It was a massive campus and we were given lots of knowledge' Jayden
Warwick University STEM Visit_careers

Water Awareness

Water Awareness STEM
During our last week of this half term, both Key Stage 2 and 3 have taken part in a water awareness assembly delivered by Severn Trent.  The visitor shared photos and facts linked to looking after our water works and the importance of water for our planet.
Additionally, Rob from Severn Trent returned on the Wednesday to deliver a workshop to all year 5 pupils.  The interactive workshop allowed pupils to take part in a "quiz show", dress up with water awareness props and discuss the differences we can make to ensuring we take care of water.
Both events were well received and pupils enjoyed the fun-filled events.

Mars Day 2024

In recognition of Mars Day 2024, Year 5 had the opportunity to "Blast off to Mars" during a virtual experience. Throughout the afternoon, pupils were asked to vote on which spaceship (and supporting space technology) they would like for their mission to Mars. There was a question and answer session with many of our pupils asking thoughtful questions with interesting responses.

Two year 5 pupils quoted:

"I loved how they told us to pick what they would use, for example, what space craft we should board to get to Mars. Also Luna (the space dog) is so cute". Nicole O 5JP

"I loved the opportunity to learn about space (Mars) and seeing Luna the space dog." Oscar M 5JP

Mars Day 2024_1

Think Tank Visit 2024

Think Tank 2024 STEM.png

The Year 8 students embarked on an exciting trip to the Think Tank, where they immersed themselves in the world of science and discovery. The highlight of the trip was witnessing two captivating shows: "The Science of Sport" and "The Energy Show". Both shows were met with enthusiasm and enjoyment from all students. Throughout the day, the pupils exhibited exemplary behaviour and active engagement, making the trip a resounding success.

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Adam Kay's Virtual Book Launch

Over the last two weeks, KS2 pupils have watched a virtual book launch by the author Adam Kay.  His latest book, Incredible Inventions, has been added to the school library and pupils finished the session full of excitement to seek Adam Kay’s books.

Adam Kay_2

When asked about the virtual book launch, pupils said:

“It was very interesting and I enjoyed the history.”

“I like how he said he was a random kid who had no training and now is a famous author.”

During the video, the book’s illustrator Henry Paker sketched inventions and shared these.  Many pupils commented that they enjoyed watching what the illustrator was drawing and hearing what inspired him.

Tomorrow's Engineer Week 2023

All pupils have enthusiastically engaged in a STEM week to celebrate Tomorrows Engineering week (6th-10th November) and recognise National STEM Day (8th November).  As part of a whole school assembly, pupils were given information on what STEM stands for, how it links to “Every Lesson Counts” and the potential influence STEM subjects could have on their futures.  

Each year group participated in STEM virtual visits from many outside speakers.

Year 5 had a presentation about gaming and esports and how technology has enhanced the way people play video games.  The guest speaker talked about Virtual Reality (VR) headsets and some pupils went on to design their own VR gaming platform.  

STEM WEEK_2023_2

The pupils were extremely enthusiastic with one year 5 pupil stating “the talk gave me lots of ideas about what I can do when I’m older”.   The guest speaker said “I really enjoyed the session with the children. Their enthusiasm and energy were absolutely humungous!”

Year 6 had a presentation from a Navel Architect.  They were also given the opportunity to become a STEM PenPal with a lady who works as an Engineer.  These postcards have been sent off to the Engineer who will personally respond to each pupil.  We excitedly await these replies.

On Wednesday, Year 7 had a virtual visit from a gentleman named Ollie. He is a motorsports engineer and presented about his career in the Pitlane.  There were so many question answered about Formula 1 racing and the career pathway Ollie had taken.  The pupils enjoyed “learning about who inspired him” and finding out about what qualifications are needed to become a Pit Lane Developer.

Finally, Year 8 pupils had two question and answer sessions. One with a STEM ambassador regarding STEM careers and routes into various professions and a second with a medical statistician.  She discussed what the job entails, her route into the career and why they may wish consider this in the future. The guest speaker said “the pupils certainly seemed very engaged” and she would happily come to speak with our pupils again.

It has been a busy yet fun-filled STEM week.  We are incredibly proud of how they represented the school during the week; demonstrating the Parkside Standard at its highest.  The feedback from the pupils was also overwhelmingly positive with many pupils inspired for their futures.

Leaves on the Line

On Thursday 29th June, Year 5 welcomed National Rail into their classroom for an hour STEM workshop called “Leaves on the line”.  Pupils were challenged to think about solutions to when leaves reduce the railway services.

One pupil from 5JB said “I enjoyed mixing the liquids and solids to make a new gel to stop leaves getting on the railway line”.

The pupils worked brilliantly in teams applying their knowledge of Science (electrical conductivity) and represented the school perfectly (demonstrating the Parkside Standard).
