Gurdwara Visit 2024

16 January 2024

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Year 7 visited Smethwick Gurdwara and they thoroughly enjoyed their guided tour around the Gurwara, learning about Sikhism and trying the Langar. 

Pupil write up :

On the 9th and 16th January 2024, Year 7 visited in Birmingham.

Some kind volunteers showed us around the gurdwara and showed us different aspects of the building and the Sikh religion. Whilst in a gurdwara, you must cover your head and take off your shoes as a sign of respect.

We were first taken by a tour guide to a model praying room where she explained some of the basic ideas within Sikhism and then went into detail about some of the more well-known practices. She then led us to the main hall of the building where people pray to God and traditional Sikh songs are sung. You are encouraged to give a donation to the gurdwara, as it is run by the community and must pay for the langar (meal). Finally, we were given a taste of some of the food that Sikhs eat, such as chapatis and curry.

Everyone enjoyed the trip and we would like to say thank you to the volunteers who gave up their own time to make sure we had a great experience.

Written by Seth P.